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Building Assets Reducing Risks (BARR)

St. Louis Park High School is where the Building Assets, Reducing Risks model was developed and piloted. Angie Jerabek, a school counselor at the time, created this model in order to promote an environment of healthy behavior choices and academic success. This model recognizes that each student enters secondary school with unique strengths, challenges and histories. To help teachers learn about each student, the model utilizes proactive strategies rather than waiting for something to go wrong. Specific components are designed to meet individual student needs, offering extra support to struggling students while providing ample opportunities for all students to develop the skills needed to be successful.

Read a March 31, 2018 story by National Public Radio about how BARR continues to provide results at St. Louis Park High School. 

The model employs a comprehensive set of interlocking strategies including:

  • regular teacher meetings based on a shared group of students
  • weekly student-focused lessons based on social and emotional health
  • ongoing professional development for teachers
  • program-specific support staff who are able to intervene when students need additional support
  • a parent advisory council to maintain open communication between parents and school staff


For more information, click here to watch an informational video or visit