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Career Planning

The National Career Cluster Framework 

Career Ready Practices

The Career Ready Practices, built on a systematic review of over 30 different listings of general professional skills developed by industry and educational institutions, represent the skills needed to succeed in the modern workplace. These practices should be embedded across the pre-kindergarten to workforce continuum. Read the full list of Career Ready Practices.

Career Ready Practices

The Career Ready Practices, built on a meta-analysis of over 30 different listings of general professional skills developed by industry and educational institutions, represent the skills needed to succeed in the modern workplace. These practices should be embedded across the pre-kindergarten to workforce continuum. Read the full list of Career Ready Practices.

Career Clusters

Click each Cluster for Cluster definitions and implementation resources.

Vocational Rehabilitation Services can help you prepare for, find and keep a job, and live as independently as possible. With the right training, preparation and workplace accommodations, people with disabilities can have rewarding careers.

Vocational Rehabilitation Services

O*NET has detailed descriptions of the world of work 

The first step in Career & College Planning is knowing who you are!Step 1 - Who Am I
Why? You’re going to be spending a big chunk of your life at work – 35 percent of your total waking hours over a 50-year career, is what one estimate
puts it at for the average person. That makes it all the more important to know who you are and what matters to you if you intend to spend those work
hours at a career that becomes a natural extension of you.

See the other steps for Career & College Planning by click the box below.


Resume - a brief, concise document that presents you to the prospective employer, organization, and/or school. Resumes market your skills, accomplishments and experiences.

Resume templates (2) - you will be forced to make a copy (google docs)

Resume template 

Resume Template