Course Catalog & Registration Resources
St. Louis Park High School offers more than 160 courses in 12 different academic departments. Students and families should take time to review the Course Catalog and the school's graduation requirements before making their course selections.
Students may choose from a variety of enrichment opportunities including Advanced Placement courses, Articulated College Credit courses, Concurrent Enrollment courses, International Baccalaureate courses, Leadership Development (Immersive work based learning), and Postsecondary Enrollment options.
2024-25 Course Registration Resources
- Registration Timeline
- Graduation Requirements
- Department Pathways
- Electives Information
- Enrichment Opportunities
- Registration Information Night
- Registration Planner Worksheets
- Counselors and Support
Registration Timeline
Timeline for the Class of 2028 (8th to 9th)
February 7 |Informational session for 8th graders during advisory to prepare them to make course requests.
February 7 | 5:00 p.m. | Virtual Registration Information Night session – recording will be posted on the website following the session. | Zoom Link
February 8 | Registration information sheets will be distributed to all 8th graders in their Science class.
February 21 | Counselors will meet with 8th graders in math class to help complete online registration.
Week of February 26 | Follow up with any 8th graders who may have been absent previously that still need to register.
Timeline for the Classes of 2025, 2026 and 2027
Week of February 5
- Information about elective choices presented in Social Studies classes.
- English, Social Studies, Math & Science teachers will be discussing options for the 2024-25 school year.
Wednesday, February 7
Parents/guardians should attend Registration Information Night sessions by grade level listed below:
- Class of 2027 (9th to 10th) | 6:30-7:30 p.m. | Zoom Link
- Class of 2026 (10th to 11th) |7:00-8:00 p.m. | Google Meet Link
- Class of 2025 (11th to 12th) | 5:30-6:30 p.m. | Zoom Link
February 12-23
- Counselors will present registration and graduation information during English classroom sessions.
- Students may use Naviance Student Course Planner to create 4 year course plans to help guide their registration process.
- Courses can be added or edited up to February 29.
February 26-29
- If students still have questions, counselors will be available during drop in times which will be posted on the Class of Schoology
- If there are questions about course placement, please check with your students teachers
Graduation Requirements
Department Pathways
Electives Information
Enrichment Opportunities
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- Articulated College Credit
- Concurrent Enrollment/College in the Schools (CIS) (College Level)
- International Baccalaureate
- Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)
- Leadership Development/Internships/Apprenticeships
Advanced Placement (AP)
Do you want to experience a college level course in a content area you are passionate about? AP courses enable students to pursue college-level studies in several different content areas. There are no prerequisite courses to register for AP and students can choose to enroll based on their own areas of passion. In order to gain college credit for AP courses, students take an exam at the end of the school year through the College Board. Credit is dependent on the score a student earns on the exam. See below for AP courses offered at St. Louis Park High School:
- AP Calculus
- AP Pre-Calculus
- AP Computer Science A
- AP Chemistry
- AP Statistics
- AP Environmental Science
- AP African American Studies
- AP World History
- AP European History
- AP United States History
- AP Psychology
- AP Macroeconomics
- AP Microeconomics
- AP Spanish Language
- AP Spanish Literature and Culture
Articulated College Credit
Do you imagine yourself taking a career path after high school? Articulated courses are college courses offered at the high school, and taught by a trained high school teacher. These are offered in partnership with a college or university. Students who successfully complete these courses generate a high school credit. College credit(s) will be granted from the partnering postsecondary institution if the student receives 80% or higher as a final course grade and completes a course from the partnering institution(s). See below which courses at St. Louis Park High School offer articulated college credit:
- School Store Business Operations II
- Computer Hardware & Software
- Construction Technologies
- Digital Artwork Design
- Digital Photo Editing
- Level 1: Engineering Investigation
- Level 2: Engineering/Product Development
- Mechatronics
- Health Care Core
- Health Professions Terminology
- Introduction to Accounting
- Introduction to Criminal Justice
- Introduction to Graphic Design
- Photography
- Woodworking I
- Woodworking II
Concurrent Enrollment/College in the Schools (CIS) (College Level)
Are you interested in taking a college level course for credit, but want to remain at SLPHS to do so? Concurrent enrollment courses are college courses offered at the high school, and taught by a trained high school teacher. These are offered in partnership with a college or university. Students who successfully complete these courses generate both high school and transcripted college credit from the partnering postsecondary institution. Students must meet concurrent enrollment eligibility requirements.
- Introduction to Exercise Science
- Exercise Physiology
- Introduction to Urban Education & Reflective Teaching
- Multicultural Education
- Personal Financial Management
- School Store Business Operations II
International Baccalaureate
Are you interested in taking college level courses with a globally minded perspective? This internationally recognized program offers college level coursework where students have the opportunity to earn college credit through an end of the year exam given by the IB. For some IB courses, a prerequisite course is required. Students have the option to take both Standard Level (SL) or Higher Level (HL) courses. Additionally, students have the ability to earn an IB Diploma by completing IB coursework across multiple content areas and fulfilling additional program requirements which engage students in college level writing and community service and action. See below for IB courses offered at St. Louis Park High School:
- IB Theory of Knowledge
- IB Business & Management SL
- IB English Language and Literature SL
- IB English Literature HL
- IB Spanish Literature and Language SL
- IB French SL
- IB German SL
- IB Hebrew SL
- IB Spanish SL
- IB Economics
- IB History SL
- IB History HL
- IB Biology HL
- IB Physics SL
- IB Math HL Analysis Year 1, Year 2
- IB Math SL Analysis Year 1, Year 2
- IB Music HL 1
- IB Visual Arts SL
- IB Film
Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)
Are you an independent learner who is ready to engage in courses on a college campus? PSEO is a program that allows students in grades 10*, 11 and 12 to earn college credit while still in high school, through enrollment in and successful completion of college courses at eligible postsecondary institutions. Students generate both college credit and high school credit by successful completion of the course. Students must meet the PSEO eligibility requirements.
Information is currently on the HS website
Leadership Development/Internships/Apprenticeships
Click the image to learn all about PAID Leadership Apprenticeships/Internships!
Leadership Development Presentation
Are you interested in learning about a career field through hands-on experience and mentorship? Leadership Development is a structured component of the Career and Technical Education (CTE) curriculum that integrates classroom instruction with productive, progressive, supervised, paid internships related to students’ career objectives. Students earn high school credits, industry-recognized certifications and credentials.
Registration Information Night
Parents/guardians should attend Registration Information Night sessions by grade level listed below:
- Class of 2028 (8th to 10th) |Presentation | Registration Recording
- Class of 2027 (9th to 10th) | Presentation | Registration Recording
- Class of 2026 (10th to 11th) |7:00-8:00 p.m. | Presentation
- Class of 2025 (11th to 12th) | 5:30-6:30 p.m. | Presentation
Registration Planner Worksheets
Counselors and Support
Barb Nelson | 9th Grade Counselor | Class of 2027 & 2028 | Phone: 952-928-6131 | Email:
Kelsey Milne | 10th Grade Counselor | Class of 2026 | Phone: 952-928-6128 | Email:
Heidi Cosgrove | 11th Grade Counselor | Class of 2025| Phone: 952-928-6132 | Email:
Sara Lindsay| 12th Grade Counselor | Class of 2024| Phone: 952-928-6126 | Email:
Kim Fisher| Administrative Assistant | Phone: 952-928-6123 | Email:
Teresa Petta | Testing Coordinator | Phone: 952-928-6105 | Email:
Faduma Adeed| Enrichment Coordinator | Phone: 952-928-6024 | Email:
Kara Mueller | Career & College Coordinator | Phone: 952-928-6187 | Email: